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于峰 教授

时间:2024-11-25 浏览量:







职称:教授 博士生导师 安徽省特聘教授、安徽省杰出青年基金获得者、安徽省技术领军人才、安徽省研究生教学名师、








11998-2002 南昌大学 工民建专业 学士

22002-2004 西安建筑科技大学 结构工程专业 硕士

32004-2007西安建筑科技大学 结构工程专业 博士

42007-2009 长安大学 桥梁与隧道工程专业 博士后

52008-至今 安徽工业大学任教









































[5]于峰. PVC-FRP管混凝土柱基本力学性能试验研究与理论分析,陕西省优秀博士学位论文,2010.



[2]于峰1/10),土木工程专业认证对教学设计理念及成果的质性突破 ,安徽省教学成果一等奖,2018.



[1]Feng Yu, Bo Xu, Jimei Wang, Yuan Fang, Zhixin Yang, Zongping Chen, Yufen Zhang. Influence of joint forms on the seismic behavior of concrete-filled PVC-CFRP tubular column-RC beam joints connected with core steel tubes. Engineering Structures, 2024, 303(3): 117499.

[2]Feng Yu, Bo Xu, Changzhen Wu, Qiye Zou, Yuan Fang, Xiaofei Lin. Finite element analysis of the seismic performance of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-ring beam interior joints. Structures, 2024, 62(4): 106186.

      [3]Feng Yu, Changzhen Wu, Bo Xu, Yucong Guan, Xinhua Zhu, Yuan Fang. Study on shear bearing capacity of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-RC beam exterior joint with core steel tube. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 410(1): 134197.

      [4]Honglei Xie, Wanjin Li, Hai Fang, Zhixin Yang, Shijiang Zhang, Yuan Fang, Feng Yu. Flexural behavior evaluation of a foam core curved sandwich beam. Composite Structures, 2024, 328(1): 117729.

[5]Honglei Xie, Wanjin Li; Hai Fang, Shijiang Zhang, Zhen Wang, Peng He, Zhixin Yang, Yuan Fang, Feng Yu. Flexural behavior evaluation of PET foam core curved sandwich beam: Experimental study and numerical simulation, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 414: 135000.

[6]Feng Yu, Wei Liu, Shuangshuang Bu, Guangfei Kuang, Yuan Fang. A model for predicting the moment-curvature behavior of steel tube confined reinforced self-stressing steel slag concrete columns under cyclic loading. Advanced Steel Construction, 2024, 20(3):310-318.

[7]Feng Yu, Guangfei Kuang, Shuangshuang Bu, Changfeng Xie. Experimental study on flexural behavior of corrugated-steel plate PVA fiber reinforced recycled concrete composite slabs. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024, 100035.

[8]Feng Yu, Yuxuan Zhang, Zekang Song, Yuan Fang, Bo Xu, Zongping Chen, Yufen Zhang. A model for predicting flexural capacity of PVC-CFRP tube confined reinforced concrete beams. Structural Concrete, 2024, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.202300992

[9]Feng Yu, Wei Liu, Chaochao Feng, Yuan Fang. Experimental study on PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-beam interior joint reinforced with core steel tube under low cyclic loading. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 24(4): 213-225.

[10]Feng Yu, Xing Chen, Yuan Fang, Yue Cao, Shuangshuang Bu, Shijiang Zhang. Study on the basic properties of iron tailings powder-desulfurization ash mine filling cementitious material. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2024, 31(1) : 20240024.

[11]Feng Yu, Changfeng Xie, Yuan Fang, Jie Songa, Honglei Xie, Shijiang Zhang, Wenlong Song. A model for predicting crack width of PVA fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete slabs. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024, 1-18.

[12]Yinglong Li, Faqi Liu, Feng Yu, Tao Du. A review of the application of steel slag in concrete, Structures, 2024, 63: 106352.

[13]Feng Yu, Ying Chen, Yuan Fang, Pengcheng Xu, Bo Xu, Quanwei Liu. Crack behavior of expanded polystyrene foam-ceramsite composite thermal insulation mortar. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 74(9): 106930.

[14]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Chaochao Feng, Xing Chen, Siyong Tan. Shear capacity estimation of core steel tube reinforced PCCC column-beam interior joint under quasi-static load. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2023, 26(9):1-18.

[15]Ping Wu, Dongang Li, Feng Yu*, Yuan Fang, Guosheng Xiang, Zilong Li. Experimental study on bearing capacity of PFCC column-RC beam joint reinforced with CST. Steel and Composite Structures, 2023, 47(2): 19-36.

[16]Ping Wu, Yucong Guan, Feng Yu*, Zilong, Li, Yuan Fang. Force-Displacement Hysteresis Model of Exterior PCRB Joints under Low Cyclic Loading. Polymers, 2023, 15(9): 1-19.

[17]Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Chaochao Feng, Siyong Tan, Yan Wang. Shear capacity of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-RC beam interior joint strengthened with core steel tube. Thin-walled Structures, 2023, 193:111213.

[18]Feng Yu, Shisi Wang, Yuan Fang, Nannan Zhang, Yan Wang, Maimaiti Nuermaimaiti. Seismic behavior of interior polyvinyl chloride-carbon fiber-reinforced polymer-confined concrete column-ring beam joints. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 23(49)

[19]Zhixin Yang, Feng Yu, Honglei Xie, Yuan Fang, Shijiang Zhang. Theoretical study on the axisymmetric deformation problem of prestressed circular membranes under non-uniformly distribution loads. Structures, 2023, 58: 105386.

[20]Honglei Xie; Wanjin Li, Hai Fang, Zhixin Yang, Shijiang Zhang, Yuan Fang, Feng Yu. Flexural behavior evaluation of a foam core curved sandwich beam. Composite Structures 2023:117729. 

      [21]Feng Yu, Changzhen Wu, Bo Xu, Yucong Guan, Xinhua Zhu, Yuan Fang. Study on shear bearing capacity of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-RC beam exterior joint with core steel tube. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 410: 134197.

[22]Feng Yu, Qiye Zou, Yuan Fang, Ping Wu, Longxu Huang, Shuangshuang Bu. Experimental study on the eccentric performances of high predamaged rectangular reinforced concrete columns strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer. Structural Concrete,2022, 23 (3): 1735-1760.

[23]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Jie Song, Yuandi Qian, Qinglin Tao. Experimental investigation and finite element analysis on flexural behavior of PVA fiber-reinforced recycled concrete slabs. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26 (1): 4004-4022.

[24]Feng Yu, Qiye Zou, Yuan Fang, Dongang Li, Shuangshuang Bu. Deformation analysis of axially loaded weak PVC-fiber reinforced polymer confined concrete column-strong reinforced concrete beam joints reinforced with core steel tube. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022, 25 (3): 642-661.

[25]Feng Yu, Hui Wang, Jie Song, Yuan Fang, Bo Xu, Jingfeng Wang, Wanyu Shen. Deformation analysis of flexural PVA fiber-reinforced RAC slabs. Structures, 2022, 37 (1): 661-670.

[26]Feng Yu, Jimei Wang, Yan Wang, Zilong Li, Yuan Fang, Yin Qin. Flexural capacity of fiber-reinforced polymer-confined concrete column-ring beam exterior joints under low-cycle loading. Journal of Composites for Construction, 2022, 26 (4): 4022041.

[27]Feng Yu, Yin Qin, Chi Yao, Shuangshuang Bu, Yuan Fang. Experimental investigation on the seismic behavior of self-stressing steel slag CFST column. Structural Concrete, 2022, 23 (3): 1492-1507.

[28]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Yuandi Qian, Rui Bai, Zekang Song, Defeng Zhu, Dongang Li. Comparative study on axial load capacity of PFCC column-beam joints with two different connection configurations. Advances in Concrete Construction, 2022, 14 (4): 279-289.

[29]Siyong Tan, Feng Yu*, Haiying Bao, Yucong Guan. Experimental and numerical investigations on seismic behavior of RC beam to PVC-CFRP confined concrete column exterior joint with steel tube connector. Polymers 2022, 14 (21): 4712-4731.

[30]Feng Yu, Shisi Wang, Yuan Fang, Nannan Zhang, Yan Wang, Maimaiti Nuermaimaiti. Seismic behavior of interior polyvinyl chloride-carbon fiber reinforced polymer confined concrete column-ring beam joints. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 1-19.

[31]Feng Yu, Yue Cao, Yuan Fang, Yuandi Qian, Chi Yao, Yin Qin. A model for predicting moment-curvature behavior of self-stressing SSACFST columns under low cyclic loading. Advanced Steel Construction, 2022, 18(4): 736-744.

[32]Shuangshuang Bu, Feng Yu*, Taiyao Chen, Yuan Fang, Yin Qin. Experimental study on seismic behavior of circular steel tube confined reinforced self-stressing steel slag concrete columns. Structural Concrete, 2022, 12: 1-16.

[33]Shilong Wang, Min Zhang, Wenjie Pei, Feng Yu, Yuhong Jiang. Energy-absorbing mechanism and crashworthiness performance of thin-walled tubes diagonally filled with rib-reinforced foam blocks under axial crushing. Composite Structures, 2022, 299: 116149.

[34]于峰, 方圆, 李子龙, 秦尹, 陈颖. PVC-CFRP管混凝土柱-钢筋混凝土环梁T型节点拟静力试验与弯矩-曲率恢复力模型研究. 工程力学,2022391-16.

[35]Feng Yu, Shuangshuang Bu, Dongang Li, Chaochao Feng, Yuan Fang. Experimental investigation and theoretical study on bearing capacity of strong PVC-FRP confined concrete column-weak joint strengthened with core steel tube under axial loading. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 271: 121880.

[36]Zekang Song, Feng Yu*, Nannan Zhang, Yuan Fang. A model for predicting load-displacement hysteretic behavior of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-ring beam interior joints under low cyclic loading. Composite Structures. 2021, 265: 113769.

[37]Feng Yu, Xu Li, Jie Song, Yuan Fang, Yin Qin, Shuangshuang Bu. Experimental study on flexural capacity of PVA fiber-reinforced recycled concrete slabs. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 1-15.

[38]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Anchun Chen, Shilong Wang, Guoshi Xu. An analytical model for PVC-FRP confined reinforced concrete columns under low cyclic loading. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2021, 77(2): 179-196.

[39]Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Shengquan Guo, Rui Bai, Longlong Yin, Iman Mansouri. A simple model for maximum diagonal crack width estimation of shear-strengthened pre-damaged beams with CFRP strips. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 41(1) : 102716.

[40]Feng Yu, Chaochao Feng, Shilong Wang, Wei Huang, Yuan Fang, Shuangshuang Bu. Mechanical performance of recycled aggregate self-consolidating concrete column. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2021, 27(3): 188-202.

[41]Chaochao Feng, Feng Yu*, Yuan Fang. Mechanical behavior of PVC tube confined concrete and PVC-FRP confined concrete: A review. Structures, 2021, 31(1): 613-635.

[42]Feng Yu, Wanyun Yin, Anchun Cheng, Quang-Viet Vu, Shilong Wang, Zhengyi Kong. Seismic behavior of PVC-CFRP confined reinforced concrete columns: An experimental study. Structures, 2021, 32(1): 313-328.

[43]Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Kang Niu, Yang Zhang, Taiyao Chen. Experimental study on bond-slip constitutive relation of SSSCFST columns. Structural Concrete, 2021, 22(4): 2338-2357.

[44]Feng Yu, Yucong Guan, Yuan Fang, Dongang Li. Experimental and numerical investigations of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-reinforced concrete beam joint reinforced with core steel tube under axial load. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2021, 25(12): 4671-4685.

[45]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Rui Bai, Lin Xu, Yuandi Qian, Guosheng Xiang. Performance and capacity calculation methods of self-stressing steel slag concrete filled tubular short columns subjected to axial load. Advanced Steel Construction, 2021, 17(1): 59-65.

[46]Feng Yu, Chaochao Feng, Dongang Li, Yuan Fang. Finite element analysis on weak PVC-FRP confined concrete column and strong joint strengthened with core CFST under axial compression. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2021, 46(1): 101-115.

[47]Ping Wu, Jie Liu, Feng Yu*, Yucong Guan, Yuan Fang, Shuangshuang Bu. Flexural stiffness analysis of the PVC-CFRP confined concrete column with RC ring beam joint under eccentric compression. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering. 2021, 46(3): 1825-1840.

[48]Feng Yu, Jie Song, Shuangshuang Bu, Jingfeng Wang, Haiying Wan, Wanyu Shen, Wei Huang, Yuan Fang. Bearing capacity of recycled self-compacting concrete-filled circular steel tubular long columns subjected to axial load, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 9: 4170705.

[49]Zhu Bian, Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Xuliang Wang, Guosheng Xiang. Numerical simulation of basic properties of full steel slag aggregate concrete. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2021, 1: 8845329.

[50]Feng Yu, Xuliang Wang, Yang Zhang, Yuan Fang. Experimental study on the expansion behavior of full aggregate steel slag concrete. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology ( New Series), 2021, 28(1): 71-84. (EI)

[51]Yadong Yang, Guangyi Zhang, Feng Yu*, Mengru, Liu, Sujie Yang, Gang Tang, Xiangrong Xu, Bibo Wang, Xiuyu Liu. Flame retardant rigid polyurethane foam composites based on iron tailings and aluminum phosphate: a novel strategy for utilizing industrial solid wastes. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, 32 (12): 4826-4839.

[52]Shilong Wang, Yao Wang, Feng Yu, Yifang Yang, Zhilai Huang, Yuanyuan Ding. Evaluation of in-plane crushing performance of printed randomly polymeric honeycombs filled with foamed concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2021310(12): 125291.

[53]Feng Yu, Zekang Song, Mansouri Iman, Jie Liu, Yuan Fang. Experimental study and finite element analysis of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-ring beam joint subjected to eccentric compression. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 254(9): 119081.

[54]Feng Yu, Nannan Zhang, Yuan Fang, Jie Liu, Guosheng Xiang. Stress-strain model of weak PVC-FRP confined concrete column and strong RC ring beam joint under eccentric compression. Steel and Composite Structures, 2020, 35(1): 13-27.

[55]Feng Yu, Shisi Wang, Yuan Fang, Defeng Zhu, Zhengyi Kong. Experimental study on bearing capacity of polyvinyl chloride carbon fiber-reinforced polymer- confined reinforced concrete column with ring beam joint under axial load. ACI Structural Journal, 2020, 117(5): 203-216.

[56]Feng Yu, Long Chen, Shuangshuang Bu, Wei Huang, Yuan Fang. Experimental and theoretical investigations of recycled self-compacting concrete filled steel tubular columns subjected to axial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 248(1): 118689.

[57]Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Yang Zhang, Lin Xu, Rui Bai. Mechanical behavior of self-stressing steel slag aggregate concrete filled steel tubular stub columns. Structural concrete, 2020, 21(4): 1597-1611.

[58]Feng Yu, Yue Cao, Yuan Fang, Yang Zhang, Kang Niu. Mechanical behavior of self-stressing steel slag aggregate concrete filled steel

tubular short columns with different loading modes. Structures, 2020, 26(8): 947-957.  

[59]Feng Yu, Chi Yao, Yi Hu, Yuan Fang, Kang Niu, Guosheng Xiang. Axial compressive behavior of self-stressing steel slag aggregate concrete filled steel tubular columns with bond-slip damage. Advanced Steel Construction, 2020, 16(1): 13-19.

[60]Feng Yu, Zilong Li, Yuan Fang, Defeng Zhu, Zhengyi Kong. Mechanical behavior of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column with reinforced concrete beam joint under axial compression. GRADEVINAR, 2020, 72(2): 151-164.

[61]Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Hao Zhou, Rui Bai, Changfeng Xie. A simplified model for crack width prediction of flexural-strengthened high pre-damaged beams with CFRP sheet. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(12): 3746-3764.

[62]Feng Yu, Yucong Guan, Qiqi Liu, Shilong Wang, Yuan Fang. Compressive behavior of joint core confined with core steel tube for connectionof polyvinyl chloride-carbon fiber reinforced polymer-confined concrete column and reinforced concrete beam. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23(12): 2570-2586.

[63]Feng Yu, Taiyao Chen, Kang Niu, Shilong Wang, Yuan Fang. Study on bond-Slip behaviors of self-stressing steel slag concrete-filled steel tube. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 20(1): 3309-3319.

[64]Feng Yu, Cheng Qin, Shilong Wang, Junjie Jiang, Yuan Fang. Stress-strain relationship of recycled self-compacting concrete filled steel tubular column subjected to eccentric compression. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2020, 14(1): 760-772.

[65]Feng Yu, Chaochao Feng, Yuan Fang, Qiqi Liu, Shuangshuang Bu. Experimental study on low-strength concrete joint core strengthened with steel meshes for connecting PFCC column and RC beam. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 24(4): 797-814.

[66]Feng Yu, Zhengyi Kong, Deguang Li, Quang-Viet Vu. Experimental study on the stress-strain relationship of PVC-CFRP confined reinforced concrete columns under eccentric compression. Advances in Concrete Construction, 2020, 10(2): 151-159.

[67]Ping Wu, Jie Liu, Feng Yu, Yuan Fang, Defeng Zhu. Testing and numerical modeling of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column-reinforced concrete beam joint under axial load. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2020, 45(2): 639-651.

[68]Yuan Fang, Feng Yu*, Yucong Guan, Ziwen Wang, Dongang Li. A model for predicting the stress-strain relation of PVC-CFRP confined concrete stub columns under axial compression. Structures, 2020, 26: 259-270.

[69]Shuangshuang Bu, Feng Yu*, Chaochao Feng, Qiqi Liu, Jie Song, Yuan Fang. Local compressive behavior of joint core reinforced with ring beam for connection of PVC-FRP confined concrete column and RC beam. Structural Concrete, 2020, 21(4): 1523-1543.

[70]Feng Yu, Hao Zhou, Nan Jiang, Yuan Fang, Jie Song, Chaochao Feng, Yucong Guan. Flexural experiment and capacity investigation of CFRP repaired RC beams under heavy pre-damaged level. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 230 : 117030.


[72]Shilong Wang, Hongquan Wang, Yuanyuan Ding, Feng Yu. Crushing behavior and deformation mechanism of randomly honeycomb cylindrical shell structure. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 151(3): 106739.

[73]Nan Jiang,Yang Liu,Yang Deng, Feng Yu. Reliability Assessment of Concrete under Chloride Penetration and Fatigue Loading Based on Copula Function. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 230(12): 117030.

[74]Shilong Wang, Yuanyuan Ding, Feng Yu, Zhijun Zheng, Yao Wang . Crushing behavior and deformation mechanism of additively manufactured Voronoi-based random open-cell polymer foams. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25: 1-12.

[75]Feng Yu, Dongang Li, Ditao Niu, Defeng Zhu, Zhengyi Kong, Nannan Zhang, Yuan Fang. A model for ultimate bearing capacity of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column with reinforced concrete beam joint under axial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 214(7): 668-676.

[76]Feng Yu, Shengquan Guo, Shilong Wang, Yuan Fang. Experimental study on high pre-cracked RC beams shear-strengthened with CFRP strips. Composite Structures, 2019, 225(10): 111163.

[77]Feng Yu, Nannan Zhang, Ditao Niu, Zhengyi Kong, Defeng Zhu, Shilong Wang, Yuan Fang. Strain analysis of PVC-CFRP confined concrete column with ring beam joint under axial compression. Composite Structures, 2019, 224(9): 111012.

[78]Feng Yu, Long Chen, Yuan Fang, Junjie Jiang, Shilong Wang. Study on load-deflection relationship of recycled self-compacting concrete filled steel tubular columns subjected to eccentric compression. Advanced Steel Construction, 2019, 15(3): 252-258.

[79]Feng Yu, Pengcheng Xu, Yuan Fang, Yang Zhang, Junjie Jiang. Stiffness analysis of recycled self-compacting concrete filled circular steel tubular columns under eccentric compression. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019: 2749587.

[80]Feng Yu, Longlong Yin, Yuan Fang, Junjie Jiang. Mechanical behavior of recycled coarse aggregates self-compacting concrete-filled steel tubular columns under eccentric compression. Structural Concrete, 2019, 20(6): 2000-2014.

[81]Xiang Guosheng, Ye Weimin, Yu Feng*, Wang Yi, Fang Yuan. Surface fractal dimension of bentonite affected by long-term corrosion in alkaline solution. Applied Clay Science, 2019, 175(7): 94-101.

[82]Rui Bai, Si-Wei Liu, Siu-Lai Chan, Feng Yu. Flexural buckling strength of tapered-I-section-steel columns based on ANSI/AISC-360-16. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(11): 1950134.

[83]Xiang Guosheng, Xu Yongfu,Yu Feng*, Fang Yuan, Wang Yi. Prediction of swelling characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite in salt solution incorporating ion-exchange reactions. Clays and clay minerals. 2019, 67(2): 161-167.

[84]Xiang Guosheng, Yu Feng, Xu Yongfu, Fang Yuan, Xie Shenghua. Prediction for swelling deformation of fractal-textured bentonite and its sand-mixtures in salt solution. Clay Minerals, 2019, 55(2): 161-167.

[85]Feng Yu, Guoshi Xu, Anchun Cheng, Ping Wu, Ditao Niu, Zhengyi Kong. Experimental study on PVC-CFRP confined concrete columns under low cyclic loading. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 177(7): 287-302.


[1]于峰,冯超超,方圆,秦尹. 一种PVC-FRP-钢管混凝土柱与钢梁连接节点,2024.5.14,中国,ZL202210161978.0

[2]于峰,邹启晔,方圆,秦尹. 一种PVC-FRP管钢筋混凝土柱与配筋砌体墙连接结构,2024.5.14,中国,ZL202210153741.8

[3]谈嗣勇,于峰,方圆,杨志欣,张世江,谢红磊. 一种泡沫陶瓷外墙保温材料及其制备方法,2024.4.9,中国,ZL202310086139.1

[4]于峰,管玉聪,方圆,秦尹,钱元第,鲍海英,卜双双. 一种芯钢管连接的PVC-FRP管约束混凝土柱-钢筋混凝土双梁贯通节点,2024.3.19


[5]于峰,宋泽康,武萍,秦尹,方圆,鲍海英,卜双双. 一种装配式型钢混凝土柱-PVC-FRP管钢筋混凝土梁连接节点,2024.3.12,中国,ZL202210059732.2

[6]于峰,方圆,秦尹,谈嗣勇. 一种自复位钢管钢渣混凝土柱-钢梁节点连接装置,2023.12.26,中国,ZL202210161984.6

[7]于峰,谢常风,方圆,钱元第,秦尹,王静峰,完海鹰,沈万玉. 一种装配式建筑可调节式铝模板制作方法,2023.9.26,中国,ZL202210071833.1

[8]陈光柱,杨俊,于峰,秦尹,方圆,蒋育红,汪孙缘,陈杰贵. 一种多功能钢渣筛分装置,2023.8.8,中国,ZL202210101856.2

[9]于峰,谈嗣勇,陈颖,武萍,方圆,许波. 一种具有良好吊挂功能的泡沫陶瓷墙体材料及其制备方法,2022.8.4,中国,ZL202210888407.7

[10]于峰,张楠楠,秦尹,方圆,武萍,卜双双. 一种PVC-FRP管混凝土柱与混凝土剪力墙的连接结构及连接结构安装方法,2023.7.18,中国,ZL202111444943.X

[11]于峰,李子龙,方圆,秦尹,武萍,卜双双. 一种连接节点可调节的PVC-FRP管混凝土柱与混凝土叠合梁组合结构及其安装方法,2023.7.14,中国,ZL202111444795.1

[12]朱叶怡,赵平,蒋育红,于峰,方圆,秦尹,程琼,何涛. 一种高环保性可拆卸的钢管钢渣混凝土装置,2023.6.6,中国,ZL20220247125.9

[13]朱雨林,汪军,于峰,蒋育红,方圆,秦尹,张正军,李华. 一种大块体钢渣破碎装置,2023.6.6,中国,ZL202210101832.7

[14]于峰,王寄梅,严钟,秦尹,方圆,钱元第,鲍海英. 一种稳定性好的PVC-FRP管钢筋混凝土柱与钢板剪力墙连接结构,2023.6.6,中国,ZL202210087819.0

[15]于峰,姚驰,卜双双,武萍,方圆,秦尹. 一种高膨胀能钢渣混凝土及其制备方法,2022.3.11,中国,202010043157.8

[16]于峰,曹越,秦尹,武萍,卜双双,方圆. 一种利用铁尾矿粉和矿渣微粉制备的砌筑砂浆,2022.2.8,中国,ZL202010030714.2

[17]于峰,陈太遥,方圆,武萍,秦尹,卜双双. 一种利用钢渣砂和选矿废弃物制备的矿山井下充填砂浆,2022.2.8,中国,ZL202010030517.0

[18]于峰,武萍,方圆,卜双双,秦尹. 一种利用轴压钢管校正液压千斤顶的方法,2021.6.15,中国,ZL202010030515.1

[19]于峰,宋洁,孔正义,武萍,江楠,王士龙,方圆. 一种铁矾渣混凝土以及制备方法,2021.4.2,中国,ZL201810891616.0

[20]武萍,于峰,江楠,项国圣,孔正义,王士龙,方圆. 一种铁矾渣蒸压砖的制备方法,2021.4.2,中国,ZL201810891593.3

[21]于峰,刘杰,方圆,武萍,江楠,项国圣,王士龙. 一种PVC-FRP管约束型钢混凝土柱-钢筋混凝土梁T型节点,2020.6.5,中国,ZL201810893232.2

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