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马江雅 副教授

时间:2024-11-11 浏览量:
























[1] Y. Kong, F. He, P. Zhang, Y. Nie, J. Ma*, In-situ manganese-aluminum-iron biochar derived from waste flocs for enhanced peroxymonosulfate oxidation: Role of Fe/Mn drives active species based on aluminum adsorption and synergistic promoted electron transfer. Sep. Purif. Technol. 354 (2025) 129471.

[2] Y. Kong, F. Lu, A. Huang, Z. Chen, J. Ma*, Organic arsenic removal by using covalently bonded iron–aluminum loaded activated carbon: synergistic mechanisms of enhanced adsorption and in situ hydrogen peroxide oxidation. ACS. ES&T. Water. 4 (2024) 2981-2994.

[3] Y. Kong, Y. Zhou, P. Zhang, Y. Nie, J. Ma*, Coagulation performance and mechanism of different novel covalently bonded organic silicon-aluminum/iron composite coagulant for As(V) removal from water: The role of hydrolysate species and the effect of coexisting microplastics. J. Hazard. Mater. 480 (2024) 135819.

[4] Y. Kong, F. Lu, Z. Huang, Y. Nie, Z. Chen, J. Ma*, Aluminum chloride induced ferrate activation for p-arsanilic acid removal: The significant synergism mechanism and enhanced role of reactive Fe(IV)/Fe(V). Sep. Purif. Technol. 343 (2024) 127121.

[5] Y. Kong, A. Huang, F. Lu, Y. Nie, J. Ma*, Enhanced removal of organic arsenic by using potassium ferrate coupled with metal coagulants: Role of iron species and effect of AlCl3 and FeCl3. Chem. Eng. J. 475 (2023) 146109.

[6] W. Xia, S. Li, G. Wu, J. Ma*, Recycling waste iron-rich algal flocs as cost-effective biochar activator for heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction towards tetracycline degradation: Important role of iron species and moderately defective structures. J. Hazard. Mater. 460 (2023) 132377.

[7] Y. Nie, C. Zhao, Z. Zhou, Y. Kong, J. Ma*, Hydrochloric acid-modified fungi-microalgae biochar for adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride: Performance and mechanism. Bioresour. Technol. 383 (2023) 129224.

[8] Y. Nie, R. Zhang, S. Li, W. Xia, J. Ma*, Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and its extracellular organic matters by using covalently bonded coagulant: An alternative choice in enhanced coagulation for algae-polluted water treatment. J. Clean. Prod. 419 (2023) 138337.

[9] Y. Kong, Y. Ma, Z. Huang, J. Ma*, L. Ding, Y. Nie, Z. Chen, J. Shen, Y. Huang, Characteristics and mechanisms of As(III) removal by potassium ferrate coupled with Al-based coagulants: Analysis of aluminum speciation distribution and transformation. Chemosphere 313 (2023) 137251.

[10] J. Ma*, G. Wu, R. Zhang, W. Xia, Y. Nie, Y. Kong, B. Jia, S. Li, Emulsified oil removal from steel rolling oily wastewater by using magnetic chitosan-based flocculants: Flocculation performance, mechanism, and the effect of hydrophobic monomer ratio. Sep. Purif. Technol. 304 (2023) 122329.

[11] J. Ma, B. Jia, S. Li, Y. Kong*, Y. Nie, H. Zhang*, M. Xiao, T. Gao, Enhanced coagulation of covalent composite coagulant with potassium permanganate oxidation for algae laden water treatment: Algae and extracellular organic matter removal. Chem. Eng. J. Adv. 13 (2023) 100427.

[12] Y. Nie, Z. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Kong, J. Ma*, Bio-flocculation of Microcystis aeruginosa by using fungal pellets of Aspergillus oryzae: Performance and mechanism. J. Hazard. Mater. 439 (2022) 129606.

[13] Y. Kong, Y. Ma, Z. Huang, L. Ding, J. Ma*, Z. Chen, J. Shen, Y. Huang, Characteristics and mechanisms of aluminum salts on arsenate removal by coagulation: Significance of aluminum speciation distribution and transformation. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 10 (2022) 106805.

[14] J. Ma, R. Zhang, W. Xia, Y. Kong*, Y. Nie*, Y. Zhou, C. Zhang, Coagulation performance of Al/Fe based covalently bonded composite coagulants for algae removal. Sep. Purif. Technol. 285 (2022) 120401.

[15] J. Ma*, W. Xia, R. Zhang, L. Ding, Y. Kong, H. Zhang, K. Fu, Flocculation of emulsified oily wastewater by using functional grafting modified chitosan: The effect of cationic and hydrophobic structure. J. Hazard. Mater. 403 (2021) 123690.

[16] J. Ma*, X. Fu, W. Xia, R. Zhang, K. Fu, G. Wu, B. Jia, S. Li, J. Li, Removal of emulsified oil from water by using recyclable chitosan based  covalently bonded composite magnetic flocculant: Performance and mechanism. J. Hazard. Mater. 419 (2021) 126529.

[17] Y. Nie, Z. Wang, R. Zhang, J. Ma*, H. Zhang, S. Li, J. Li, Aspergillus oryzae, a novel eco-friendly fungal bioflocculant for turbid drinking water treatment. Sep. Purif. Technol. 279 (2021) 119669.

[18] H. Zhang, R. Zhang, Z. Ling, W. Li, Y. Yan, M. Gong, J. Ma*, Partial oxidation of phenolic wastewater using NaOH and Ni addition for hydrogen production and phenolics degradation in supercritical water. Sep. Purif. Technol. 268 (2021) 118685.

[19] J. Ma*, W. Xia, X. Fu, L. Ding, Y. Kong, H. Zhang, K. Fu, Magnetic flocculation of algae-laden raw water and removal of extracellular organic matter by using composite flocculant of Fe3O4/cationic polyacrylamide. J. Clean. Prod. 248 (2020) 119276.

[20] J. Ma*, J Shi, L. Ding, H. Zhang, S. Zhou, Q. Wang, X. Fu, L. Jiang, K. Fu, Removal of emulsified oil from water using hydrophobic modified cationic polyacrylamide flocculants synthesized from low-pressure UV initiation. Sep. Purif. Technol. 197 (2018) 407-417.

[21] J. Ma*, J. Shi, H. Ding, G. Zhu, K. Fu, X. Fu, Synthesis of cationic polyacrylamide by low-pressure UV initiation for turbidity water flocculation. Chem. Eng. J. 312 (2017) 20-29.

[22] J. Ma*, K. Fu, L. Jiang, L. Ding, Q. Guan, S. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Shi, X. Fu, Flocculation performance of cationic polyacrylamide with high cationic degree in humic acid synthetic water treatment and effect of kaolin particles. Sep. Purif. Technol. 181 (2017) 201-212.

[23] J. Ma*, K. Fu, X. Fu, Q. Guan, L. Ding, J. Shi, G. Zhu, X. Zhang, S. Zhang, L. Jiang, Flocculation properties and kinetic investigation of polyacrylamide with different cationic monomer content for high turbid water purification. Sep. Purif. Technol. 182 (2017) 134-143.

[24] J. Ma*, K. Fu, J. Shi, Y. Sun, X. Zhang, L. Ding, Ultraviolet-assisted synthesis of polyacrylamide-grafted chitosan nanoparticles and flocculation performance. Carbohydr. Polym. 151 (2016) 565-575.


[1] J. Ma, R. Zhang. Preparation method and application of organic-inorganic covalent bond composite coagulant for strengthening coagulation, 20238月,授权国际专利,荷兰,2030794.

[2] 马江雅,卢钒,孔艳丽,聂勇,集氧化与吸附同步高效去除有机砷的载铁铝共价键混凝剂改性活性炭材料及其制备与应用,20241030日,ZL202310298635.3

[3] 马江雅,李砂,夏玮等,一种基于磁混凝含藻絮体热裂解制备原位载铁生物炭的方法及其应用,20233月,ZL202210189725.4

[4] 马江雅,张蕊,贾邦涛等,一种聚合铝铁/阳离子聚丙烯酰胺共价键型絮凝剂及其制备方法和应用,20228月,ZL202110454493.6.

[5] 马江雅,夏玮,吴根宇等,一种磁性共价键型壳聚糖基改性絮凝剂及其制备方法和应用,20224月,ZL202110411120.0.

[6] 马江雅,施军,付雪等,一种磁性疏水改性阳离子聚丙烯酰胺除油絮凝剂的制备方法,201912月,ZL201710872400.5.

[7] 马江雅,付坤,施军等,一种纳米改性聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂的方法,20176月,ZL201510708158.9.




彭娟、任春强马江雅等;乳化废液处理处置方法,202212月,GB/T 41968-2022.


[1] 郑怀礼、张鹏、孙永军、马江雅,聚丙烯酰胺类絮凝剂与絮凝科学,2020年,科学出版社, ISBN978-7-03-063188-6

[2] Chun Zhao, Yuanyuan Liu, Yongjun Sun, Jiangya Ma. Nanomaterials for adsorption and heterogeneous reaction in water decontamination, In: Lofrano G., Libralato G., Brown J. (eds), Nanotechnologies for Environmental Remediation. Springer, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-319-53161-8.


[1] 马江雅. 铝盐耦合高铁酸钾强化混凝氧化高效除有机砷研究,全国铝盐铁盐水处理剂行业创新发展大会,2024年,太仓,会议报告。

[2] 马江雅. 同时氧化混凝耦合体系活性物质的生成特性及其强化除污染物机理研究,水处理混凝与消毒技术创新及产业发展论坛,2023年,西安,分会场报告。

[3] 马江雅. 壳聚糖磁性共价键复合絮凝剂的制备及其除油研究,第六届全国水处理与循环利用学术会议,2023年,桂林,分会场报告。




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